DIY Tarp Tent Project Plan

Day 18: Identify one project you’d like to complete with your hands, whether chore or craft. Detail the steps, the resources, and the help you’ll need to complete the project. Then, set about doing it! (AoM: Jumpstart Your Journaling)

A couple of years ago I switched my backpacking shelter from a tent to a tarp. I purchased the Mountain Laurel Design Solo Grace tarp. It’s worked great and is extremely light, but I’d like a tarp with a little bit larger footprint and a little bit more versatility. So I have been thinking about making my own, straight-cut, lightweight tarp.

I’m going to have to do some research on material although I will likely stick with silnylon. I will also have to settle on the overall dimensions of the tarp. I already know that I want a rectangular shape so at most I will only have to stitch two panels together. Ideally, I’ll be able to get a single piece of silnylon that is large enough and then come up with some tie-off points. I plan to do some google-ing and watching some youtube videos to figure out how to construct the tie-off loops.

The biggest challenge will be learning how to use a seweing machine. I’m probably going to have to practice a little bit before actually putting together the tarp.