
@davidrmunson Thanks, I've been on the fence about trying it out. I definitely like the simplicity and to a degree the limited options for prints is kind of nice. Some sites seem overwhelming with the options they throw out for buyers.

@odd Yeah, I don't think I'd ever describe graffiti as beautiful either. In addition to this one, I have a very small collection of photos (maybe 5 or 6) that I've taken of interesting graffiti. I might have to put together a gallery at some point.

The day I took this photo, on our way home, we ended up behind a car with a bumper sticker that read, "Don't believe everything you think." That seems like a more provocative way of saying "question everything." Didn't get a picture of it though.

BTW, thanks for the follow on Flickr. ☺️

@adoran2 I added to the initial post and will work on a little more of a "in-depth" write-up in the coming days. It's definitely worth a read for the sheer brutality and shock in what Junger is witnessing. I didn't feel like it was a gratuitous glorification of war but more of a brutally honest attempt at capturing the action and emotions. It would be interesting to see how Jungers actual diary entries compare with the text of Storm of Steel.

@maique This is anectdotal but when I trim my beard in the winter and then head outside for work on a cold day, my face is more cold than it was before I trimmed. I'm also pretty sure that whisky and steak improve the quality of my beard. So the better the quality of my diet and spirits, the better the beard. I would agree with many of the other pros mentioned in the replies.

As far as cons, I recently trimmed it down to 1/8" because I found a tick. While the beard may keep my face warm in the winter, the prospect of ticks living in my beard kind of scares the shit out of me.

@maique They definitely hold a lot of character and make for some great photos. I enjoy looking at photos people share from abandoned places. I'm not quite willing to go beyond the exterior to get my photos.

@derandre Unfortunately, at some point, I'm going to have to find FEWER rest stops that sell alcohol. 😆

@revidwerd This is on my list of books to read this year. I've never read it but I did read Civil Disobediance. I'm exploring that further as I read about Gandhi. As for the desert island, I'll be taking Siddhartha... at least for now.

@jemostrom Thanks for the input! I've found the organization with Luminar to be adequate but not great. I suspect that's a typical sentiment.

@maique Thanks for the input! Your comment on syncing between the app and the software is actually very helpful. I've installed and now deleted the app twice. I think Luminar is probably a more simplified approach and that's is perhaps why I chose it. I'm also colorblind so I am quite reluctant to dig too deep in to color manipulation that I can't percieve. Either way, Adobe is such a prominant tool for photographers I had to ask whether or not I'm just missing something.

I do like the layout of your site made with Portfolio. As someone who just does photography as a hobby, I would like a better, more controlled way of presenting photos more along the lines of a photoessay. I use instagram, but don't like it at all. I've dabbled with flickr and 500px and they're ok. I really liked my trial with squarespace, but I'm a cheap hobbyist. The $10/month price for Portfolio +Ps/Lr may be worth looking in to.

Anyway, thanks again, very much appreciated.

@bpaul I really like the prisma app. For certain photos it works so well. I've never thought about making a composite like you did... I guess ill have to up my game. :)

@mariovillalobos I hear you on that. I've cancelled my prime membership for next year and plan to do a lot more shopping at local stores. I'm sure I'll still order from amazon, but I'll definitely be cutting back on the frequency.

@mariovillalobos I like doing that with the Grateful Dead. It's simple to follow the bass or piano, but there are two guitarist and two drummers. While Jerry is generally the lead, I've been surprised to see videos with Bob letting loose. I'll never be able to distinguish between the drummers!

@Gaby I've had a few and from what I remember they're all pretty good. The additional flavor is usually subtle. I wouldn't go hunting for them but if you stumble on one at a shop, they're worth trying.

@Omrrc I'm going with National Lampoon Christmas Vacation for my favorite. I dont watch many kids movies anymore but I'd probably watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas - the original cartoon - if I saw it while flipping through channels.

@joshua That's an awesome photo. I was fortunate to visit Australia with my family as a kid. We spent a couple days in Sydney and a couple days in the Blue Mountains. The incline train there is wild. This photo reminds me a little of the Smoky Mountains, my favorite place in the US.