I can’t remember a time when I liked winter. Sure snow can be beautiful. Sometimes. In high school I at least enjoyed winter. I loved playing ice hockey. Now, winter is just a time for me to learn and plan for new adventures in fairer weather. #mbnov

Finished reading: Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut 📚

My biggest take away for now is the concept of being “unstuck in time.” It’s changed my perspective on memories and reminiscing.

As Friday begins to fade in to another weekend, I look forward to indulging in my favorite meal of the year next week. #mbnov

Dependence is probably the toughest word to incorporate into a post so far during microblogvember. Therefore, I shall independently offer that my Weather Underground app is one that I depend on the most. I find it to be very reliable. (a review by a man of many words) #mbnov

I’ve taken two trips on AMTRAK over the past few years. My favorite aspect of riding the train is that whether you’re riding through a small town or New York City, it feels like you’re strolling through the nation’s backyard. #mbnov

So many times I’ve looked up on
the clear blue sky and closed my eyes.
The warming sun upon my face
and deep within my aging mind
gentle ghosts of clouds pass by
casting scenes of former sights
and all that pass seem less than real.

Less than a memory.


Currently reading: Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut 📚

So far, this book has been a fantastic read. I can’t imagine how I have made it this far in life with out reading it. #mbnov

Experiments in Photo Editing: Impressionism

While capturing some fall photos last month, I took a few generic shots of trees that I thought would look pretty cool just because of the colors. After looking them over and doing some editing, I was a bit underwhelmed. On one of them though, I tried messing around with the sharpness a bit. Specifically, I reduced the sharpness to make everything a bit blurry. I thought it looked pretty cool and tried to figure out a way that I could try to make the photo look as close to a Claude Monet painting. After thinking about it a bit and tweaking some of the creative options in Luminar I came up with this edit:

It might not look as much like a Monet painting as I wanted but I think it turned out pretty well. I tried out the same line of editing on a few others and was really surprised how well the effect worked for certain photos. Here are a few others that I think turned out pretty well.

I recently watch the movie version of Odd Thomas on Hulu. My wife and I both really enjoyed books and I think the movie captured the spooky nature of Odd and his abilities quite well. #mbnov

I know better than to just wear whatever I want to work without checking the weather. Especially at this time of the year when we can experience three seasons in one day. Today was a bit chilly. #mbnov

Today I say “thank you” to all of the veterans who served before me, with me, and to those currently serving.

I look up the definiton to all of the word prompts, just to be sure. Elderly means: beyond middle age. So I got to learn that middle age is the range of years from 45 to about 64.

I guess I still have a few more years of adulting before I hit the middle ages.


DIY Tarp Tent UPDATE 2

This post should have been made about a month ago…

I finished my tarp, but I have not had a chance to get out and properly test it. With winter coming, I’m not likely going to get out until spring. I might try to get out a hike over the winter, but I am a fair weather backpacker.

While operating the seweing maching and producing consistent hems was not easy, I was a surprised at how quickly I was able to pick up the skill. No one will mistake my work for that of a professional, but I’m reasonably confident that the tarp will fit my needs and enhance my backpacking kit. Patience was a big factor. I found that I was able to sit down and focus for about an hour or so and then had to take breaks.

Here are a couple photos of the finished product set up in my backyard.

The final dimensions are approx. 9’ long x 6’ wide and it weighs about 16oz. I have tie-out loops at all four corners and at approx. 3’ intervals along the long edges for a total of eight. Each tie-out loop is about 1”. At the ridge line, I attached 1” D-rings at the ends to accomodate a standard a-frame setup with trekking poles.

D-Ring Attachment at ridge line.

I used the heavier material to reinforce all of the tie-outs as seen below.
Top of a corner tie-out

Bottom of a corner tie-out

A couple of thoughts:

  • I may add additional loops on the underside of the ridge line. These would serve as connection points for rope to hold my bug net off my face. Also could be used for a clothes line on a rainy day.
  • I used 3/8” grosgrain ribbon for the tie-outs and I think ½” probably would have been better.
  • I used 1” d-rings and think that ¾” would have been better assuming the trekking pole tip would fit through.
  • I bought WAY too much thread!
  • Total cost was about $85.00
  • Thank you to my wife and mother-in-law for the sewing machine and crash course in using it.

    It’s only day 7 of MicroblogNovember and it feels like more of a burden than fun. I think that only one or two, of my posts are legitimate posts that I would have wanted to create. Perhaps I need to re-evaluate my process or what compels me to participate.

    inflated #mbnov

    I finished reading The Richest Man in Babylon the other day. I enjoyed it and learned a bit, but I think it is definitely a book that should be gifted to young adults. While there is nothing puzzling about the advice, developing the discipline to apply the advice is key. #mbnov

    Hanging out on the front stoop used to be social media. It’s how we communicated with our neighbors and engaged with our community.

    When I walk, or run, around my neighborhood I enjoy my brief encounters with the few people who still “log on” to their front stoop. #mbnov

    Part 1

    When you’re near
    I can hear
    the subtle breathing from your lips in my ear.
    And I just
    want to trust
    the rapid beating in my chest is sincere.

    #mbnov… to be continued.

    Something I need to say to my wife, “You’re capacity for kindness and compassion astonishes and inspires me.” This is particularly relevant due to some recent events in the lives of our family and friends. #mbnov