Today I tried something a little bit different with my 365 photo project. I made a “photo” of a Rifter (a spaceship in the game EVE Online) by just scanning the model as a jpeg and editing it in Luminar. I got the idea from a book I recently bought: 52 Assignments: Experimental Photography by Chris Gatcum. It was nice to do something a little bit different on a day that I didn’t really feel like heading out to take any photos but didn’t want to just take a snapshot of my keyboard - I’m looking at you day 22.

That being said, I’m going to be suspending the posting of my 365 days of photos here on I will continue to post a daily photo on a flickr album. The point of this is for me to practice and try to experiment with different techniques and subjects. While I am learning through this process, I’m not posting any context for an outside viewer. So I would rather just file them in a flickr album and post more meaningful groups or individual images with more context.